Club Duties Sign-up

Published 10:58 on 8 Jul 2023
Hi all!
Thanks to everyone who has helped out with club duties this year - you've been amazing giving up your time to help others get on the water.
We've now got some gaps in the duty roster, so if you haven't done any duties this year please repay the favour by signing up at:
Simply login - Click a Sunday Watersports slot on the calendar - Scroll down to Duty Roster - Click Volunteer.
If you are a new member please try to sign-up to do at least one Assistant Safety Boat (ASBO) Duty. You'll be with an experienced qualified member who will show you the ropes. N.B. Paddlesports members are exempt but are welcome to help out if they like.
If you need help, or advice, feel free to email me or catch me at the club.